Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3
Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3
Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3
Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3
Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3

Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3

SKU: 1000056


Regular price $21.99 Sale

Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi contains 23 kinds 118pcs components
Nice clear box package with listing and including small self-styled plastic bags to keep the widget such as LED, IC, buttons, diodes, etc.
Please check the components with the package listing carefully, the Raspberry Pi board and TF card is not included

Product description

Name: Complete Upgraded Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 
This is complete starter kit of 23 kinds of components for Raspberry Pi. You can learn programing as well as how to develop innovative projects with the electronics in this kit. 
Package including: 
1pcs Solderless Prototype Breadboard 
1pcs 40 Pin Ribbon Cable 
1pcs T-type GPIO Extension Board 
1pcs 8 Channel Logic Level Converter 
5pcs Push Buttons 
1pcs 40 Pin Jumper Wires (15cm, M to M) 
1pcs 40 Pin Jumper Wires (20cm, F to F) 
1pcs 1602 Serial LCD Module 
1pcs I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module 
1pcs SG90 Servo Motor 
1pcs 5V 1-Channel Relay Module 
1pcs DHT11 Temp & Humi Sensor Module 
1pcs BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor Module 
1pcs HC-SR501 Infrared Motion Sensor Module 
1pcs ADC0832 Analog to Digital Converter 
1pcs Tilt Switch Sensor Module 
3pcs Potentiometer (10kilohm adjustable resistor) 
1pcs Active Buzzer 
3pcs GL5516 Photo resistor (Light Sensor) 
24pcs LED (6 x White, 6 x Red, 6 x Yellow, 6 x Green) 
1pcs Infrared Receiver (VS1838B) 
1pcs Infrared Remote Controller 
20pcs Resistors (10Kohm) 
20pcs Resistors (1Kohm) 
20pcs Resistors (220ohm) 
5pcs Resistors (1Mohm)