Mega2560 UNO Kit for Arduino with Tutorials, Complete Starter Kit
Mega2560 UNO Kit for Arduino with Tutorials, Complete Starter Kit
Mega2560 UNO Kit for Arduino with Tutorials, Complete Starter Kit
Mega2560 UNO Kit for Arduino with Tutorials, Complete Starter Kit

Mega2560 UNO Kit for Arduino with Tutorials, Complete Starter Kit



Regular price $32.99 Sale

This is the most complete Mega2560 UNO starter kit for Arduino, includes a huge assortment of modules and components to get started with any project. With the Arduino MEGA Atmega328p microcontroller, you can connect a huge amount of devices at the same time.
You can use the relay module to control high power/voltage sources using your Arduino. You can use the motion detector and buzzer modules to make an alarm, or you could make a moisture and temperature sensor with the DHT11 module. There are so many possibilities!
There is a CD included with detailed tutorials, or you can contact us by e-mail for free tutorials and support.
Includes LCD1602 module with pin header, stepper motors, servo motors, expansion shield, joystick module, LED matrix display, resistors, LEDs, buttons and much more (242 items total).
A clear listing for components can be viewed by clicking the picture or in the product description. There is also paper documentation available in the packaging

Packing list:
25pcs LED (white, yellow, blue, red, green) 
1pcs RGB LED
10pcs Ceramic capacitor (22pf&104pf) 
2pcs Photoresistor
1pc Thermistor
5pcs Diode rectifier (1N4007) 
4pcs Electrolytic capacitor
10pcs NPN transistor (PN2222&S8050) 
1pc Tilt switch 
5pcs Button (small) 
1pc 1 digit 7-segment display
1pc 4 digit 7-segment display
1pc sound sensor module
1pc LCD1602 module (with pin header) 
1pc IC L293D
1pc IC 74HC595
1pc Active buzzer
1pc Passive buzzer
1pc RTC module
1pc DHT11 temperature and humidity module
2pcs potentiometer
1pc Rotary encoder module
1pc Joystick module
1pc Keypad module 
1pc 5V relay module
1pc IR receiver module 
1pc MEGA2560 controller board
1pc Breadboard
1pc Servo motor (Sg90) 
1pc Stepper motor
1pc ULN2003 stepper motor driver board
1pc Prototype expansion
1pc Power supply module 
1pc HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor
1pc Ultrasonic sensor
1pc GY-521 module (with pin header) 
1pc 3V servo motor
1pc MAX7219 module
1pc Remote
1pc 9V 1A power supply
1pc 65 jumper wire
1pc Water lever sensor
1pc USB cable 
1pc 9V battery with DC
1pc RC522 RFID module
120pcs Resistor (10R/100R/220R/330R/1K/2K/5K/10K/100K/1M) 
20ocs Female-to-male dupont wire
1pc flame sensor
1pc firm packing 
1pc resistance card
1pc CD with detailed tutorials